Manual continuous embroidery

Manual continuous embroidery consists of the following elements:

To create manual continuous embroidery...

1Insert or open your source design.

2Move the design into the required position in the hoop. Start and end connectors are fixed to the center of the hoop.

3Optionally, adjust design size or change the hoop to suit the design.

4Use the Basting Stitch Marker command to insert basting stitch markers – two near the top at either side of the design, and two near the bottom at either side of the design.



5Align the associated basting stitch marker with the bottom left-hand corner of the design extents:

6Repeat for each of the other basting stitch markers and place then in each corner.

7Select the two basting stitch markers at the top. Using the Color Film, move them to the start of the design. Make sure the two bottom-most basting stitch markers are sequenced at the end of the design.

8Print a design worksheet. The worksheet shows the hoop position marker. Each hoop position marker has a number indicating the hooping sequence.

9Send the design to machine. The design is positioned at the same location as shown on screen. It uses start and end connectors to locate the design from the center of the hoop. The machine will start stitching at the hoop center.

10Fix the design worksheet to the fabric in the required position for the first part of the endless embroidery.

11Hoop the fabric. Align the worksheet hoop position marker with the hoop template centerlines.

12Step past the first two basting stitch markers as these are only needed for second and subsequent designs. Stitch out the design.

13Hoop a piece of sticky-back stabilizer for the second hooping.

14Stitch the first two basting stitch markers on the stabilizer.

15Place the fabric on the sticky stabilizer lining up the basting stitch markers on the fabric with those stitched on the stabilizer. Press the fabric into place.

16Stitch the next repeat of the design.

17Repeat the process until all repeats are complete.

Inserting graphics for the physical reference markers could be substituted for the basting stitch markers. These can be aligned to the center of the design and the design and reference marker rotated as needed.

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