Add stamps to libraries


Use General > Carving Stamp to apply preset or custom patterns to create a pattern of needle penetrations.

This procedure starts when you click the enabled Create Stamp button either on the Use Object tab or Digitize tab.

To add a stamp to a library...

1Select the object you want to add as a custom stamp.



2On either of these tabs, click the enabled Create Stamp button. The Create Stamp Pattern dialog opens.



3Select a set from the droplist or click the Create button to create a new one.



4Enter a name for the custom stamp and click OK.

You are prompted to digitize the first reference point in the workspace.

5Enter the first reference point:



6Enter the second reference point:



7Click OK. The newly created stamp is displayed in the stamp list when the Use Pattern tab is selected.

Rename and Delete buttons are enabled whenever a custom stamp is selected.



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