Scan artwork


Use Canvas > Artwork Canvas to import, edit or create vector artwork as a backdrop for embroidery digitizing, manual or automatic.


Use Artwork Canvas > Artwork > Scan Artwork to scan an image into BERNINA V9.

You can scan images directly into BERNINA V9 for use as digitizing backdrops. The scanning feature in BERNINA V9 allows you to use most TWAIN-compatible scanners. You can use any scanning software provided that it can save the image in one of the compatible formats.

Tip  You can also scan in your own textured backgrounds to see what a design will look like on real fabric. Fabrics can be scanned to provide full, centered, backgrounds to your design, or as small samples which can be tiled to fill the screen.

To scan artwork...

1Set up your scanner.

2Prepare the artwork for scanning.

3Switch to Artwork Canvas and click the Scan Artwork icon. Alternatively, use the File > Scan Artwork command in Embroidery Canvas.

4Choose a scanning mode and resolution.

If you are scanning a fabric background, set the scan to 256 colors, 100% and 72 dpi (dots per inch). These settings will give a small file which will display well on your screen without taking up too much disk space or memory.

5Preview the image in the scanning program.

6Select the area to be scanned and scan the image.

7Save the scanned picture in a compatible format picture file to your My Designs folder.

Scanned drawings are bitmaps and must be saved separately from the design file or they will be lost when you close the design.

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