Design Layouts

Wreath8PointsArtistic2.pngBERNINA Embroidery Software allows you to arrange and transform objects by a variety of means, both interactive and numeric. Position objects by means of click and drag, arrow keys or object properties. Align objects relative to each other using the special tools available.

Scale objects directly on-screen or by setting exact dimensions or scale percentages. Rotate, skew and mirror objects by similar means.

Special tools allow you to duplicate and transform selected embroidery objects, as well as create mirrored and rotated objects around a central axis. Layout tools allow you to arrange multiple embroidery designs on an item or fabric to be sewn.

This section describes how to position and align objects by both interactive and numeric methods. It also covers scaling, rotating and skewing objects. A variety of methods for mirroring objects are also described. Special layout tools are also discussed.

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