Removing overlaps


Use Edit > Remove Overlaps to remove unwanted stitching from underlying objects or lettering.

Use the Remove Overlaps tool to remove underlying layers of stitching. This helps to reduce the stitch count and prevent a build-up of stitches where they are not needed. A cutting overlap is preserved between ‘cut’ objects and their ‘cutters’ in order to prevent gaps forming. This can be adjusted for different fabric types.



Valid cutters

Various embroidery objects can be used as cutters if not too small and with a stitch spacing of 1.00 mm or less. Examples include:

‘Cuttable’ objects

‘Cuttable’ objects include:

To remove underlying stitching...

1Select one or more ‘cutters’.



2Click the Remove Overlaps icon or select Arrange > Remove Overlaps. Stitching overlaps are removed according to the current setting.



Tips for use...



In the example above, note that:

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