

Use Stitches > Candlewicking Outline to create ornamental craftstitch borders. Specify exact pattern size and spacing.


Use Stitches > Candlewicking Fill to create candlewicking fills – traditional white-on-white embroidery usually done with heavy cotton thread on white linen.

Candlewicking is a traditional white-on-white embroidery technique, usually done on white linen or cotton fabric with heavy cotton threads. Stitches used are mostly knots, both Colonial and French, as well as stemstitch. Candlewicking Outline can be used for ornate borders. You can specify the exact size of each pattern as well as spacing between them.




More use of color is becoming popular today. Stitches used are mostly knots, both Colonial and French, as well as stemstitch. Candlewicking can be used to embroider white bedspreads, pillows and clothing.



Candlewick settings

Candlewick settings can be adjusted in the usual way via Object Properties. Like blackwork, candlewicking is a type of embroidery pattern and has the same properties.



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