

Use Stitches > Blackwork Outline to create craftstitch borders. Name derives from black silk thread traditionally used in this form of embroidery.


Use Stitches > Blackwork Fill to create fill for blackwork designs. Name derives from black silk thread traditionally used in this form of embroidery.

Blackwork gets its name from the black silk thread traditionally used in this form of embroidery. Early designs tend to be angular, whereas later designs use more diagonal stitches. Blackwork employs just a few simple stitches to create complex designs. It can be used to decorate articles of dress or furnishings such as hankies, table napkins, tablecloths, and doilies.



The most common blackwork fills employ simple stitches to create complex scrolling or geometric patterns. By using different blackwork fill patterns, you can create light and dark tones in a design.



Blackwork settings

Blackwork settings can be adjusted in the usual way via Object Properties. In essence, blackwork is a type of embroidery pattern and has the same properties.



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